Lösungen fürs Labor
Wir entwickeln, fertigen und liefern ein Modulares MikroReaktionsSystem (MMRS), Ihre flexible Plattform für die Prozessentwicklung.
Passende Module konzipiert für jeden einzelnen Prozessabschnitt und alle Prozessparameter!
Lösungen fürs Labor
Wir entwickeln, fertigen und liefern ein Modulares MikroReaktionsSystem (MMRS), Ihre flexible Plattform für die Prozessentwicklung.
Passende Module konzipiert für jeden einzelnen Prozessabschnitt und alle Prozessparameter!
Batch to Conti
Benefit from our experience
"Can my process benefit from continuous technology? What do I have to consider?"
Here you can find a first orienation aid or contact us directly. Our process development team can give you a first evaluation based on their many years of experience, whether your process can benefit from our technology.

Next steps – purchase of hardware or feasibility study?
Should you already be familiar with our technology platform and you know where you would like to go or if you would like an integrated solution (system solutions) for a broad range of applications in research and development, we will be happy to prepare a quotation directly!
If you first would like to know wheter your process can be transfered to micro- and millireactors and will benefit from this technology, we also offer feasibility studies.
»…Your place or mine?…« That is completely up to you! Our chemists and engineers from process development will be happy to advise you and provide you with a non-binding first assessment of feasibility.
Workshop – a good preparation is everything
To increase the chance of success of a feasibility study, we recommend a workshop in preparation of the study. During the workshop the experimental set-up and possible milestones are defined. This is done in close coordination with you and can be adapted according to actual progress in the work packages. The content of the workshop is meticulously prepared and fitted to your process based on the information exchanged prior.
The objectives of the workshop are typically:
Presentation of the proposed experimental set-up including peripherals
Evaluation of equipment, peripherals and analytics
Safety strategy for conduction of experiments
Joint elaboration of the detailed design of experiments
Target definition (e.g. amount of target product; yields and selectivity in comparison to batch process etc.)
Matching customer expectations
After the workshop we will propose a detailed offer for conducting the experiments in continuous flow using our equipment.
Have we aroused your interest? Our chemists and engineers are happy to take a look at your process.
Feasibility studies as the basis for your investment decision – together we succeed faster
We accompany the transfer of your batch to a continuous process and support you in determining the key operating parameters.
Typically, the steps of a proof of principle study are:
Evaluate the general feasibility of the transfer of the batch reaction to a continuous process using Ehrfeld equipment
Examine the operating parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure, residence time)
Identify and investigate potential for process intensification
Monitor the influence of product stability, conversion and selectivity when converting from batch to continuous
Identify a possible reactor set-up that may be suitable to transfer the process from MMRS modules to a scalable reactor.
The results of the feasibility studay enable you to make an informed investment decision and you can use our expertise for the shortest possible way to continuous production thanks to the simple scalibility of our reactors.